Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pregnant Bikini Contest Organizing On Mother's Day

Regardless happy baby pet immediately, a number of pregnant women often lose confidence in her appearance. His stomach expands. Sexy curve of her body disappeared. Ideal body weight was living the story.

For the sake of pregnant women develop self confidence, beauty contest appears that bring together women who were the two entities: 'Miss Pregnant Bikini'. It's become a means of 'party' for pregnant women annually in the United States, as quoted oddee.com.

With a bandage bikini, a number of contestants to look confident showing belly. They looked lively waddle in front of a jury at the end of the stage show. The main prize worth fighting over U.S. $ 1,000.

In the United States, there are a number of similar contests held along the celebration of Mother's Day. Organizers radio station or restaurant cafe, which also make it as a strategy to attract visitors.

In the contest of pregnant women, usually there are several categories that are contested. Starting from terbuncit stomach, stomach sexiest, most owners of stretch marks or at least, best bikini, until the pregnancy is the most interesting story. Only those who have been pregnant at least six months is usually used to get involved.

If the contest was to accommodate the general public who are pregnant, a number of world-class magazine several times a sexy body showing off a number of celebrities who were pregnant. Starting from pose politely, without dressing up to pose nude.